6 Basic Guitar Chords | Beginner Guitar Lesson

6 Basic Guitar Chords | Beginner Guitar Lesson

Download the reference material for this lesson here: https://www.guitarmasterymethod.com/6-basic-guitar-chords/

Today we’re going to learn the absolute most basic guitar chords you can possibly learn on guitar. I intended this lesson to be as stripped down and easy to follow as possible. By the end of the video, you’ll have 6 easy guitar chords under your belt just like that!

Not to mention, they’re 6 very usable, yet simple guitar chords. You can even play them together to make an easy song to play on guitar!

I’ll show you each one of these easy guitar chords, break them down one-by-one, and show you how to play them yourself. Altogether these basic guitar chords actually make a nice chord progression that you can play through, while also experimenting with the order of the chords so you can find all kinds of different sounds!

I like to give you something like this not just to teach you something easy to play, but to give you tools to start finding your own sounds. That said, I would love it if you took these basic guitar chords and play around with them in different orders.

This way you can start figuring out how some orders of chords work together better than others. These are the building blocks of how great songs are made 🙂

The guitar is one of most quickly rewarding instruments you can play and I’m confident enough to say that these 6 basic guitar chords are the simplest form of already easy guitar chords you can possibly learn.

That’ll already give you a starting advantage because you’re learning how to play simple guitar chords, but you’re also turning them into an easy song to play on guitar.

But don’t let it end there! Take these chords and try them out in different ways and you might surprise yourself with the sounds you can create on your own!

And before I forget!! Make sure to claim your FREE Practice Session Cheatsheet here: https://www.guitarmasterymethod.com/cheat-sheet?utm_source=youtube&utm_campaign=sqo&utm_content=6-basic-guitar-chords&utm_term=guitar-lessons&utm_medium=video

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Now that you’re equipped with 6 easy guitar chords, you’ve used them in ways beyond what was covered in this video, just imagine the possibilities that are going to open up for you when you start learning even more chords!

Get ready because you’re on your way to being a chord slingin’ songwriting machine 😉

Rock On 🤘🏼
Guitar Mastery Method

GuitarAcademies.com Musician

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