Jazz Guitar Improvisation for Beginners

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In this post I demonstrate how easy it is to learn jazz guitar improvisation. The main reason a lot of people struggle with improvisation on guitar is not that they lack the ability to do it, but that they haven’t really nutted out their method for learning it and process for practicing it. There is nothing mystical about the ability to improvise – it is a musical skill that anyone serious about music can learn, and should learn, due to the new possibilities that it can open up for you on your instrument.

Rather than get too technical into the nuts and bolts of the theoretical concepts about what to do harmonically over the chord changes and so on, this lesson takes a simple minor pentatonic pattern and improvise with using some standard jazz chord changes.

I highly recommend you visit the post for this lesson on my website at http://www.fretdojo.com/jazz-guitar-improvisation-for-beginners to get the backing track I use for this video as well as charts of all the exercises I go through in the lesson.

I would like to give a shout out to Matt Warnock at http://mattwarnockguitar.com who I credit for teaching me improvisation and for the process I go through on the video. He’s a great teacher and has a ton of resources about improvisation on his site.

Thanks for watching and I wish you the very best on your improvisation journey!



*For more guitar lessons, tips and FREE stuff visit https://www.fretdojo.com

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