Wherever I May Roam Guitar Lesson – Metallica – Famous Riffs

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This “famous riff” lesson comes to you by way of Metallica and their hugely successful Black album, with the scorching guitar driven “Wherever I May Roam”.

“Wherever I May Roam” has long been one of my favorite Metallica songs. This main riff uses lots of cool techniques including fast trills, wide vibrato, slides, palm muting and some cool chromatic lines.

In this Wherever I May Roam guitar lesson I will demonstrate how to play the two main guitar riffs that open the song after the sitar part.

This riff does move around at a fast tempo, so be sure to work on each new section individually at a slow to moderate tempo before piecing them all together and ramping up the speed.

I know the Black album, with all of it’s popularity, can be sort of a sore spot for some old school Metallica fans. I myself love early Metallica, especially Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets and And Justice For All.

However, the Black album, although completely different, is in my opinion absolutely brilliant in how it combines a more commercial approach with huge production and cool riffs like the one I am teaching in this lesson.

Can you imagine if Master of Puppets was recorded as well as the Black album? It would have sounded unreal!

In any case, Wherever I May Roam offers much more than these killer riffs. There are super cool solos and harmonized lines as well. If you guys want me to teach the entire song note-for-note simply help this video get to 600 “likes” on YouTube.

Have fun with these killers riffs! I will be back here soon with the full song I am sure. 🙂


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