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Click here for ALL parts of this song in my Led Zeppelin playlist!
OK, here we go with perhaps the most requested song in the history of rock guitar “Stairway To Heaven” by Led Zeppelin. This song obviously needs no introduction, but I am gonna give one away.
Besides being a classic song song loved by millions of people all over the world, “Stairway To Heaven” is also a great workout for virtually any guitarist. You get to use many different techniques and chord forms from finger-picking, to fast rhythmic strumming, arpeggiated picking and of course we have the epic solo.
The guitar solo Jimmy Page plays in this song is consistently voted as the greatest ever, whatever your thoughts are on it, it is definitely a fantastic study in the melodic soloing style of Jimmy Page. In these note-for-note lessons you will learn all of those little details that make up this great song. #stairwaytoheavenguitarlesson #ledzeppelin #guitarcovers
Lessons And Performance by: Carl Brown