“Teach Your Children” by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young : 365 Riffs For Beginning Guitar !! You can do this – I’ll be posting one a day! I choose these riffs because they are within your grasp as a beginning guitarist. Memorize them & play them over and over. That’s ALL it takes ! Please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT below. Check out my YouTube channel : www.youtube.com/jkehew1 and make a donation to help the cause on my home page ! (look for the PayPal icon in the upper right corner – THANKS !) I have a GREAT website for beginners www.song-bike.com. You can become a member for just $9.95/month. I’m really proud of it and I think you’ll love it. Check it out !
“Teach Your Children” by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young : 365 Riffs For Beginning Guitar !!