IMPORTANT! READ! Diminished chords come in two main flavors- diminshed seventh (aka full diminished) and half diminished (aka m7b5). In this video I exclusively use FULL diminished chords, but nearly every example can be used with a half diminished as well, to varying degrees of success.
It is also important to note that I am a big fan of “learning backwards”. That is, do the stuff first- make the noise, use the chord, solo with the scale, regardless if it makes sense to you or not. Then later on you are more likely to learn the inner workings and theory because you actually recognize it’s useful application.
This strategy doesn’t work for things like heart surgery – for that you should probably learn the details first before doing hands-on experience. But with music, I’m totally okay with skipping many steps along the way as long as they get us to playing and writing quicker.
Anyways, this video is about diminished chords and where you can use them and fit them into your chord progressions. The following videos are referenced and very important to understanding everything here-
Chords of Major:
Chords of Minor:
Diminshed Chords:
Diminished Chord Portals:
Dim7 Arpeggios:
Chords of Harmonic Minor:
Orcastra Studio – Common Diminished Chord:
A very big thank you to the following Patrons!!!:
Linas Orentas
Marek Pawlowski
John Arnold
Christopher Swanson
Marc Bulandr
Bradley Bower
Alvaro Begue-Aguado
Don Watters
Don Dachenhousen III
Patrick Ryan
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Free online guitar lessons for beginners, intermediate, and advanced players. Located in Crystal Lake, Jake Lizzio provides free jam tracks and video lessons for guitar players, as well as music theory videos and other music education content.